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Zapatillas Ecológicas Natural World Eco: Comodidad y Estilo Sostenible

Discover the new sneakers from Natural World Eco: the perfect blend of style, comfort, and sustainability. Made from high-quality eco-friendly materials, these sustainable sneakers respect the environment without sacrificing design. Ideal for any occasion, they pair effortlessly with any outfit, whether casual or sporty. Join the eco-friendly movement with Natural World Eco sneakers and step stylishly toward a greener future.

✓ Suede Leather and Organic Cotton

✓ Organic Cotton Lining

✓ 100% Recycled EVA Sole

✓ DO NOT wash in a washing machine

✓ Rub off with a slightly damp cloth and let to air dry

• For any other enquiry, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Service

Modello nuovo! Si può utilizzare questo modello sia in estate che in inverno
ECO 9012
89,95 €
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