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Las Vegas

Fecha: 02/ September/2015
Las Vegas

As we said, the FN PLatform had been in the middle of August. An event that takes place in America, specifically in Las Vegas, and has become one of the most important fairs for many Spanish companies, like Natural World Eco, where we go every year.

This is the most important event that takes place in America at least for the interests of our brand and we enjoy as exhibitors for that reason. There were 58 other Spanish exhibitors,it was a record number of representatives of our nationality. Reading these data shows that the US market is more interested in the domestic footwear, as reflected in the growth in the first five months of 2015 from 25.4% in value and 15% by volume.

We are delighted with the result that we bring with this event and we will continue working and projecting other fairs that are in the calendar.

We leave you with the video of the 2015 February edition.

